Shusaku Toba 鳥羽 周作
sio株式会社 / シズる株式会社 代表取締役。 Jリーグの練習生、小学校の教員を経て、31 歳で料理の世界へ。 2018年「sio」をオープン。同店はミシュランガイド東京 2020 から 4 年連続一つ星を獲得。 現在「sio」「Hotel’s」「o/sio」「o/sioFUKUOKA」「パーラー大箸」「㐂つね」「ザ・ニューワールド」「おいしいパスタ」と8店舗を展開。 モットーは『幸せの分母を増やす』。
President of sio Corporation / SHIZURU Corporation. After working as a J-League trainee and an elementary school teacher, he entered the culinary world at the age of 31. Opened "sio" in 2018. The restaurant has received one star for four consecutive years from the Michelin Guide Tokyo 2020. He currently operates 8 restaurants: "sio", "Hotel's", "o/sio", "o/sioFUKUOKA", "Parlor Ohashi", "Kitsune", "The New World", and "OISHII Pasta". The motto is "Increase the denominator of happiness.